

Notification details

Status Completed
First observed date 12 December 2023
First observed time 14:00
Installation SEAL
Field SEAL
Latitude 57° 0' 33.87'' N
Longitude 1° 50' 33.38'' E
Quadrant / block no. 22 / 30
Was the non compliance ever ongoing No

Inspector assessment details

Inspector's comments As per RFI response TEPUK have recognised that it was not clear from the planned scope of work that they received from the pipeline isolation contractor that there would be a need for 2 boxes placed on the seabed. This led to an error in the ML application - TEPUK have committed that Going forward, robust engagement will take place with third party contractors to ensure the scope of work matches all details on permits / licenses prior to work commencing

Formal investigation

Formal investigation ever opened No