

Notification details

Status Completed
First observed date 04 November 2021
First observed time 13:15
Organisation involved TAQA BRATANI LIMITED
Installation Cormorant UMC
Field UMC
Latitude 61° 9' 37.0'' N
Longitude 1° 6' 32.0'' E
Quadrant / block no. 211 / 26

Breach details

Related to a breach where an OCR permit is in place Yes
Breached conditions Permit condition 2
Related either wholly or partially to use and/or discharge of a chemical(s) Yes

Chemical 1

Chemical product released AquaLube Gel
Total quantity of chemical used in excess of permitted quantity (kg) 0
Total quantity of chemical released in excess of permitted quantity (kg) 113.85

Chemical 2

Chemical product released J Clean 1
Total quantity of chemical used in excess of permitted quantity (kg) 0
Total quantity of chemical released in excess of permitted quantity (kg) 22.77

Chemical 3

Chemical product released RX-5255
Total quantity of chemical used in excess of permitted quantity (kg) 0
Total quantity of chemical released in excess of permitted quantity (kg) 0.255
Related to a subsea discharge No
Was the subsea discharge greater than 1 tonne over 12 hours No
Was the non compliance ever ongoing No

Formal investigation

Formal investigation ever opened No