

Notification details

Status Completed
First observed date 12 August 2022
First observed time 08:00
Organisation involved SERICA ENERGY (UK) LIMITED
Installation Bruce PUQ Platform
Latitude 59° 44' 34.0'' N
Longitude 1° 40' 22.0'' E
Quadrant / block no. 9 / 08

Breach details

Related to a breach where an OCR permit is in place Yes
Breached conditions The permit holder shall ensure that the quantities of all chemicals used or discharged during the course of the operations covered by the permit do not exceed by more than 10% the quantities detailed in the permit application. In the event that the permit holder becomes aware that the use or discharge of any chemical may exceed the quantity detailed in the permit application by more than 10%, the permit holder must notify the Department within two working days.
Related either wholly or partially to use and/or discharge of a chemical(s) Yes

Chemical 1

Chemical product released CORRTREAT 15340
Total quantity of chemical used in excess of permitted quantity (kg) 228.9
Total quantity of chemical released in excess of permitted quantity (kg) 0
Related to a subsea discharge No
Was the subsea discharge greater than 1 tonne over 12 hours No
Was the non compliance ever ongoing Yes

Formal investigation

Formal investigation ever opened No