

Notification details

Status Completed
First observed date 06 April 2022
First observed time 07:00
Organisation involved SHELL U.K. LIMITED
Installation Gannet A Platform
Latitude 57° 11' 3.0'' N
Longitude 0° 59' 54.0'' E
Quadrant / block no. 21 / 25

Breached conditions details

Related to a breach of an approved permit Yes
Breached conditions Permit Condition 1.3 The Operator shall ensure that the Permit Application includes current and accurate details and description of all defined Oil Discharge Operations
Total oil discharged 1.0087 tonnes

Non-compliance details

Related to discharge limits in Table 1 No
Related to other discharge information in Table 1 No
Related to Table 2 No
Non-compliance ever ongoing Yes

Weather conditions

Wind direction
Wind speed 0 knots
Significant wave height 0.0 metres

Formal investigation

Formal investigation ever opened No