

Notification details

Status Completed
First observed date 01 November 2023
First observed time 00:01
Organisation involved TOTALENERGIES E&P UK LIMITED
Installation Alwyn North NAB Platform
Latitude 60° 48' 36.0'' N
Longitude 1° 44' 7.0'' E
Quadrant / block no. 3 / 09

Breached conditions details

Related to a breach of an approved permit Yes
Breached conditions Monthly summary of November 2023 discharges to sea of produced water with an oil content greater than 100mg/l. All greater than 100mg/l excursions will be recorded on this submission as an ongoing record of events. If the greater than 100mg/l events exceed 20 samples in the reporting period or there is a sample in excess of 300mg/l this OPPC will be submitted and will continue being updated till month end.
Total oil discharged 0.0552 tonnes

Non-compliance details

Related to discharge limits in Table 1 Yes
Non-compliance reasons related to discharge limits in Table 1 Maximum concentration
Related to other discharge information in Table 1 No
Related to Table 2 No
Non-compliance ever ongoing Yes

Weather conditions

Wind direction 178°
Wind speed 14 knots
Significant wave height 1.1 metres

Formal investigation

Formal investigation ever opened No