

Notification details

Status Completed
First observed date 17 December 2024
First observed time 17:30
Organisation involved TAQA BRATANI LIMITED
Installation Cormorant A Platform
Latitude 61° 6' 9.0'' N
Longitude 1° 4' 22.0'' W
Quadrant / block no. 211 / 26

Breached conditions details

Related to a breach of a condition of an approved Consent to Locate Yes
Breach related to Consent Condition and Marking Schedule Condition
Breached conditions 1. Consent Validity, 10. Consent non-compliance, 2. Description of Works, 3. Location of Works, 4. Commencement of Works, 5. During the Works, 6. Cessation of Works, 7. Inspections, 8. Consent review, 9. Consent variation, A 1. General, A 3. Lights, A 2. Radio/Radar

Lights breached conditions

Primary white lights lost Yes

Formal investigation

Formal investigation ever opened No

Further details

Installation fully compliant with its Consent to Locate conditions Yes
Non-compliance reasons related to Main Lights
Loss of power No