General NCN Data

The following General NCN data is updated with the latest information and published at the start of each day.

Reference Status First observed date Installation Latitude Longitude Quadrant / Block Formal investigation opened
IRS/2021/438/GENERAL Completed 01 December 2021 Rowan Gorilla V 53° 3' 0.0'' N 2° 29' 23.0'' E 44 / 28 No
IRS/2021/328/GENERAL In review 17 November 2021 Bessemer Platform 53° 11' 53.0'' N 2° 29' 9.0'' E 49 / 23 No
IRS/2021/240/GENERAL Completed 04 November 2021 PL23 52° 54' 34.0'' N 1° 13' 15.0'' E 52 / 3 Yes