

Notification details

Status Completed
First observed date 14 January 2014
First observed time 12:05
Incident type(s) Chemical release
Organisations involved
Installation Nelson Platform
Installation type Fixed
Latitude 57° 39' 44.022'' N
Longitude 1° 8' 38.397'' E
Quadrant / block no. 22 / 11

Chemical 1

Chemical product released CALCIUM CHLORIDE (ALL GRADES)
Total quantity of chemical released 0.92 kg

Chemical 2

Chemical product released DF1
Total quantity of chemical released 6.1 kg

Chemical 3

Chemical product released LIME
Total quantity of chemical released 0.34 kg

Chemical 4

Chemical product released M-I BAR (All Grades)
Total quantity of chemical released 12.09 kg

Chemical 5

Chemical product released TRUVIS
Total quantity of chemical released 0.28 kg

Chemical 6

Chemical product released VERSACLEAN CBE
Total quantity of chemical released 0.42 kg

Chemical 7

Chemical product released VERSATROL
Total quantity of chemical released 0.25 kg

Formal investigation

Formal investigation ever opened Yes

Close off details

Release ever ongoing No

Source details

Source Supply Vessel Mud Tank Vent